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Bowline Hotel

1 Ninth Street, Astoria, OR 97103

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The Knot Bar

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Adrift Hospitality

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"The River is Everywhere"

Meetings, schedules, and agendas - let the big river take them all out to the ocean. Do you feel that? That's the present moment.

“Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no such thing as time? That the river is everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, in the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere and that the present only exists for it, not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future.” Hermann Hesse

As you take in the ebb and flow, we invite you to stay in the moment and find balance at Bowline Hotel.

Every Stay Gives Back

Your $1 really matters when we give back together!

Starting November 8th, 2022, when you stay at any Adrift Hospitality property, $1 per night will fund Dylan Jude Harrell Community Center through Kind Traveler’s Every Stay Gives Back program. Additionally, Adrift Hospitality will match every dollar raised, doubling the positive impact we will make together to support our local community with DJHCC. 100% donated to DJHCC. Explore how your travel dollars are positively impacting our local community.


Our Friends in the River

The Other Guests

Every year, from late summer to early spring, Astoria is home to some of our favorite guests: Sea lions! Primarily Steller sea lions, these lovable pinnipeds annually visit the lower Columbia River and spend their time lounging below the pier, snacking on seafood and swimming in the river.

You'll likely see them (and hear them) during your stay, as the platform found below our hotel patio is one of their favorite hangouts. (We're aware their nighttime concerts might not always be welcomed entertainment, so we offer earplugs and white noise machines at your bedside, should you need them.)

Please don't get too close, though. They are big, wild animals and should be treated with respect - from a distance!